View Profile AfroUnderscoreStud

1,187 Movie Reviews

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Just you getting revenge on your ex

All this was was a picture of your ex with her mouth moving with some speech from The Cookie Monster playing, a truly awful flash movie, that isn't fun for others as we don't know her at all, not really worth submitting.

Knifes fly from nowhere and kill some guy

This truly was an awful flash movie all you did was draw some guy then got some knives to magically fly throgh the air and kill him, when the knifes hit him the blood just looked stupid, you could have at least had someone throwing the knives at him or stabbing him with them and had some reason for them to be doing it, there was no sound in this movie either, which there really should have been.


All this is is some anime pictures with their mouths moving along to some speech, it's all about some guy farting, it really isn't funny at all, fart jokes never are, perhaps they are to 5 year olds so if you're 5 I reccomend that you watch this and you might find it funny.

Too short to be any good

The idea seemed to be nice and I thought I was going to enjoy it, but you ended it way too early, it could have been a good movie had it been longer as more stuff would have happened in it, remake this increasing it in length and make a few changes and you've got a good movie.

The end was mildly funny I guess what a shit movie

The end was ever so mildly funny(still terrible though), but the whole movie sucked, it was a stupid idea that was never going to work, these Elian movies all suck and so do all of the Janet Reno movies, why combine the two into one horrible flash movie, Castro did nothing for it he just made it even worse.

A guy from Digimon gets his head blown off

All you did here was pasted some picture of some guy from Digimon onto a white background, come on man you could've at least drawn something, and then got some guy from dragonball Z to fire abeam at his head and blow it off, which looked stupid then some other guy spins, a terrible idea for a flash movie made into a movie even worse than the idea itself.

Worst Easter movie ever.

All you've done here is pasted a picture of 'the virgin'(what a lie, because she didn't want Joseph to know she cheated on him she pretended that it was God who put the baby there(people were so thick back then)) Mary and got it talking to the Easter Bunny? under a sheet then she cooks him, truly a terrible flash movie. It looked really stupid seeing apasted picture amongst stuff that was created in flash and the idea was a truly awful one that never could have made a decent flash movie.

Seemed to be a preview and a truly awful one

That sucked, the idea seems like a terrible one, I have no idea who them people are, I'm assuming they're your mates or something. Seeing that Blair dudes head on the sperm was disturbing, all this movie was was just a load of text setting up a story, some pasted pictures of your mates and then you did stupid things like removed their heads and said they got killed, a truly terrible flash movie.


A guy somkes a cigarette and gets shot THE END. What was the point in even bothering to submit this let alone making it, there was no entertainment within this movie at all.

Age 37, Male

Lazy cunt


Bramley, Hampshire, UK

Joined on 2/6/02

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