View Profile AfroUnderscoreStud

1,187 Movie Reviews

36 w/ Responses

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Could have been so much better a truly awful movie

You actually had a nice idea here with the third grade samurai, you could have made a good movie(perhaps even a series) out of it by using a storyline(a decent one) instead of just him making a killing because some kid wouldn't let him use the swing then having the 3rd grade samurai get killed. It took too long for the kid on the swing to get killed after he told the 3rd Grade Samurai he couldn't use it and you should have added some sound to this movie. This truly was a terrible flash movie.

Body parts hit a truck then it runs some guy over

it was impossible to make out what was being said at the start because you used some ridiculously squeaky voice, the idea behind the movie sucked and would have been impossible to make a good movie from, so why did you even try? It still could have been better than this though.

A terrible Dragonball Z-style stick fight

This was terrible, it moved too fast, there was no sound, it was pointless and the fighting was boring. All you've done here is made a stick figure movie hoping to get a good score due to the fact that people like Dragonball Z(for some strange reason), the movie sucked.

Pointless killings that suck

All this movie is is press on the button to play the death then press next and watch each different one, each death was stupid, the amount of blood was ridiculously low an they it looked was horrendous, there really seemed to be no point whatsoever to this.

A preview was pointless

All this was was 5 guys in a car bobbing their heads to music, I'm assuming that isn't what the full-length cartoon was about so why make a preview of it where that's all that's happening. You get a 1 for humor because of Sean Connery.

A poorly drawn background with scrolling text

Why make a movie with just text? What was the point to it? The text was mildly humorus up until it said "and that's why i became a child molesteror", by saying that you took away the whole humor element and it became just sick.

A guy picks up a knife and randomly stabs someone

What was the point to this movie? It could have been better in every way, it seemed to be a pointless violence movie but the violence sucked and looked terrible, to improve this you could have made it more violent, added sound, had a background rather than just black and you could have had a story to it or at least had a reason for him to stab the guy rather than him just doing it, the guy didn't even react when he got stabbed and it just looked stupid.

Age 37, Male

Lazy cunt


Bramley, Hampshire, UK

Joined on 2/6/02

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