Disappointing, the series worst
I was very disappointed by this the last 2 episodes in this series have been good, but this one just completely slipped, it wasn't too bad, but it should have been better, you clearly have the ability as I've seen you do it.
As this movie has two features worth commenting on I shall mention each one in a seperate part of my review.
Music game
It was an alright game to play and was fun to play around with for a while, perhaps you could have had a list of songs included with a music sheet telling you how to play them or something as it was very difficult to work out the notes and I couldn't do it at all and in the end I just gave up bothering with trying to find out, I did make a cool sounding little tune though by pressing random keys.
Van Helsing Parody
I wasn't at all interested in it, as a movie by itself it would have been entirely pointless, I had no problem with you submitting it in this however, but if you had or hadn't it would have made no difference whatsoever.
Character Screen
The screen with the pictures of all the characters on just seemed completely pointless as they were nothing but just pictures, you should have been able to click on each one and a profile about them should have opened up, or at least you should have had it so that their name shows up when you scroll over them.
It was disappointing because it was just too short and there wasn't much story, it was just the final battle with John, it would have been nicer if afterwards you could have seen what happened with the other guys, I guess the battle was about the appropriate length for what it was, it could have done with being a tad bit longer though, and it should have been more gripping. Had I not seen the previous episodes in this series you would have got a 1 for this as it didn't explain the story and it was basically just a fight, but as the fight had story to it you get a 2.
Peace Out, Afro Stud