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Just plain awful what a load of shit

well to answer that end question it's obvious that theres no God not because of the WTC event but because the whole ideas fucking insane. Humans created God not the other way around.

Brilliant just fucking brilliant

This fucking rocks definitely my favourite Monkey Island Parody I've seen so far. The Monkey Island tunes rocked but that Full Monty song sucked. A couple of really not funny bits but that didn't stop this movie from being fucking amazing. Got each secret that was sweet. CAUTION ESCAPE FROM MONKEY ISLAND SPOILER! And remember according to H.T Marley the secret of monkey IslandTM. is pineapple.

Not another DBZ movie

I'm fucking sick of shit like this DBZ sucks and obviously so does this. How the hell does any DBZ shit slip by it fucking sucks the whole fucking lot, each ones pretty much the fucking same. Blam this piece of crap.

Such a Madness rip-off

you've basically just copied Madness and tried to hide it so it looks like your own and badly the fact that they were armless really gave that away. This is pretty much exactly like Madness Redeemer. Also why the hell would CTU shoot a terrorist whose pretty much dead. Come up with your own ideas and if your gonna make something about CTU or someone similar then at least try to be more accurate.

WTF a preview thats actually brilliant

Amazing you made a preview that actually rocked, it is a little too high in the portal though. That was sweet the Obi-Wan Shinobi yo-yo bit would have been much better in Super Console Wars 4-D though (hint,hint). Is that even possible? I doubt it. Spy Kids blatantly stole your idea though and thats not even a decent movie. Spent ages trying to find a pair of 3-D glasses( got a lot of tidying up later) but it was well worth it and remember only put you glasses on Lukeigi puts on his otherwise it just looks weird. WARNING! For a while after watching this movie everything out of your left eye(the red side) will look blueish and everthing out out of your right eye(the blue side) will look red.(strange that)

Such a "Yes and No" rip off.

"Yes and No" rocks this sucks. This had just one thing the next button didn't work and rule 2 played exactly the same but was hff. What the fuck a good idea would be to not bother since you are blatantly just copying "Yes and No", and badly.

deepdoom responds:

don't worry, i am not going to even try making anymore of this, :) thank you for the review!

where the fucks the ending

why the hell is it called Mr T Vs David Blaine it should be called something like Mr T and David Blaine since it was just a start, middle then nothing wtf and hers a suggestion for another Mr T Vs how about none that would be much better.

Age 37, Male

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