View Profile AfroUnderscoreStud

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*Prays* Please don't be Mr. T. D'oh it's Mr.T

That was just a stupid as the last one all this series is is pasted pictures, with some lame ass Pokemon killing storyline, it was too obvious that your guy we all know and love was Mr. T, he made this movie even worse, what an awful flash movie, where the hell'd you get the idea for this dreadful series from?

Eh? What was that? This series sucks

This series has to be one of the worst ever, the storyline to it sucks, a Vulpix that hates Pokemon and wants them all dead, into his one he meets some woman called Ryoko who he fancies, that was just such a crap idea, this is even worse than the first one.

A very nice movie, please continue it

This was a very nice movie, not at all what the trailer had me expecting but still very good, you really should continue this series as it looks like it will be very nice and it would probably do very well in the portal now that there's people on Newgrounds now that don't just care about violence, please I beg of you to continue this series. The voices needed some work as the sound was a bit fuzzy, the movie was beautiful and you absolutely need to continue it, this movie deserves to have a much higher score it deserves to have at least a 4. Great job, keep up the good work.

A pointless trailer

From looking at this trailer I can't judge whether the movie will be good or not, there really was no point in making this trailer it should have been at the start of the actual movie. the cahracter graphics are very nice for an early submission, I'm going to watch the actual movie now, I hope it's good.

Eh? That's it?

What was the point in making this it's just a guy standing on the side of the road, who's head blows up for no reason whatsoever, you could've at least made it so something happened to make it blow up rather than it just happening by itself and you could ahve added more to it, it was too short and the sound was annoying as well.

What a pathetic movie.

That sucked, the idea was childish, a super hero that's a poo, that really wasn't funny, the part where it flew into Satan's mouth and came out his arse wasn't funny at all and was by far the worst part, when you got to the Pick-A-Death part you had to watch the movie from the start again to be able to view all 3, you should've had a button at the end that allowed you to go abck to the choice.


All you've done here is got some pasted images and had that annoying Wazzup! thing playing while you move the mouths on the images, these Wazzup! things suck, they never were funny and I hated the whole Wazzup! thing from day one, then people like you who made movies of the whole thing amde it even worse, these Wazzup! things suck, there's no humor whatsoever in them.

Eh? The skeleton bit at the end was uneccesary

That sucked, the sound was alright that you'd taken from the actual film and the idea was kinda funny you just really didn't pull it off at all, the movie was really boring and wasn't worth making.

That was stupid

All this is is a guy bailing on a skateboard a few times, each time in a stupid looking way, a real poor effort at a flash movie and by far the worst Newgrounds skating movie I've ever seen.

Age 37, Male

Lazy cunt


Bramley, Hampshire, UK

Joined on 2/6/02

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