View Profile AfroUnderscoreStud

1,187 Movie Reviews

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Nice joke, crap movie

That was a nice joke but you really shouldn't have made a flash movie out of it. The joke would never have made a good flash movie so you probably did the best you could out of it, but it still is a really shit movie, you should have just told the joke to some of your mates rather than submitting this on Newgrounds.

Hmm that was quite good actually

I liked it, the idea seemed like it would make a poor movie but you made a good movie out of it so nice job, the sound needed some work as it was crackly at times, that was probably the point with the order box though, anyway good job, your best work by far.

*Sighs* Yet another awful Mastercard parody

Come on man, the MasterCard advert parody idea wasn't funny and neither was this, this was poor even for one of them, as usual it's just pasted images and text which is very boring, but you didn't even have any sound, the idea to this one was awful.

You'd have thought people would have stopped submitting these after the first was submitted, or maybe even after the second or third, but no it kept going and these awful flash movies are still being submitted to Newgrounds to this very day, which sucks, as the idea isn't funny and the movies are just a load of crap like this.

*Tuts* That was stupid

Some yellow thing gets a ball thrown at it, then it gets shot, then a bird drops a bomb on it, wtf? This was pointless, there was no reason for you to have made it and it was just a complete waste of my time, also the sound was irritating and neede lots of work.

OMFG a good MasterCard advert parody

Seriously man hats off to you here, I thought that it was impossible for someone to make a good MasterCard advert parody, but that's just what you've done here, i'm in shock, good job, keep up the good work.

Yep I'm still in shock.

That sucked, you've came a long way

Man your first submission sucks, you sure as hell have came a long way.

Anyway now I'll review this.

That sucked, a pasted image of Pikachu, then he got shot then burnt, you could have at least drawn Pikachu yourself. This was just yet another one of them crap Kill Pikachu movies. What was the point to this?

I scarily feel kinda bad for giving you a bad review.

Kinda funny, a bit crap though

It was a funny idea, it just needed a bit more to it, it was a bit on the poor side, but fortunately it was short and sweet rather than being unneccesarily long.

That was funny, an alright flash movie

Yeah that was alright and it was funny, my favourite was the "you forgot to bake me you klutz" one, I didn't really like the laugh at the end though it was kina annoying. Normally people don't pull off these bloopers movies but you did so well done. This movie was kinda cute as well.

Better than the first but still a load of crap

Som Dragonball Z guy destroys a building so a group of kids kill him, wtf? This movie may be much better than the original but it's still a load of shit and this just proves how bad the first one actually was. Again you had a pathetic storyline that looked like this time a 12 year old had came up with despite the fact that you were 17, this was a dreadful storyline for a 17 year old to come up with.

Age 37, Male

Lazy cunt


Bramley, Hampshire, UK

Joined on 2/6/02

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