View Profile AfroUnderscoreStud

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Nice but you ended it too early

That seemed nice I liked how you didn't animate the daths and they were just still and it looked really good, but when the end came I was like oh is that it? because you really did end it too early and by the looks of things you haven't made a sequel to this, come on do it I wanna see what happens next.

Hmm not too bad, kinda stupid though

The part where the dad got out the car needed to be longer before the creature got him, from then on it was stupid, the creature somehow turns up at the guys house with the dad's dad body then kills the mum and the son. The idea was kinda nice you just neede to have more suspense to it as this movie really lacked it.

Yeah that was a bit crap

The end to this was kinda funny with the Death rays need not only be used for world domination, but that aside it was kinda stupid, a professor guy blows up some kids snowman, it wasn't really good at all and it needed a lot of work.

*Groans* Yet another Wazzup! parody

Pasted images from Scooby Doo with black circles flashing inside their mouths in a poor attempt to make it look like they're talking to that damn Wazzup! sound clip, very few of these Wazzup! parodies are bearable in fact I've only seen two so far that haven't made me groan, the whole Wazzup! thing was never funny and I hated it from day 1. Far too many of these Wazzup! parodies were submitted to Newgrounds, 1 or 2 would have been okay, but the amount that are on here is just ridiculous and unnecceasry.

*Groans* Yet another Wazzup! parody

Pasted images from Final Fantasy 8 moving their mouths to that damn Wazzup! sound clip, very few of these Wazzup! parodies are bearable in fact I've only seen two so far that haven't made me groan, the whole Wazzup! thing was never funny and I hated it from day 1. Far too many of these Wazzup! parodies were submitted to Newgrounds, 1 or 2 would have been okay, but the amount that are on here is just ridiculous and unnecceasry.

A poor rip-off

Hmm does EVILDAVE TV- Puppy Chow ring a bell, all you did here was take the idea from that movie but replaced the dogs with babies. The movie sucked anyway even if you hadn't stolen and modified someone elses idea, a guy hitting a baby with a hammer inside a tank to make baby oil, I didn't find it funny or interesting, it was just a pile of crap.

It's just an intro

There really was no point in submitting this, it's bad enough when people submit previews and demos but an intro takes the piss. You say you wanted people to judge whether they thought it seemed like a good idea or not, how are people supposed to able to tell whether your idea will be good if we don't know what your idea is, this was just text and a few drawings of people's heads, just pointless crap.

The only humor's in the window cleaner

Your author's comments pretty much sums it up, a stick figure gets shot out of a cannon into a building, would have been worthy of a 0 for style and humor were it not for the window cleaner which pushes them up to 1. That really was a pointless pile of shit.

Well that was stupid

A baby walks past an alley that someone gets shot in, sits down near a car with people having sex in, a dog pisses on a fire hydrant next to the baby then the baby pisses itself, then gets run over by a lorry, that really wasn't funny at all, that was such a piece of shit.

Well that was stupid

A frog resembling Abraham Lincoln gets its head shot off, it rolls around meets satan, satan kicks it and the frogs head ends up back on it's body, seriously wtf was that? I read some of the reviews and by the looks of things this was in the portal top 50 about a year ago LOL, what a weird movie for the top 50, i bet you never saw that coming.

Age 37, Male

Lazy cunt


Bramley, Hampshire, UK

Joined on 2/6/02

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