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Don't submit unfinished work

This really does take the piss out of the whole don't submit unfinished work thing, it's like 5 seconds long, it's some guy's face then a lock being picked, there's nothing to it, form the 5 seconds I saw it looks like the final version could have been a good flash movie, you shouldn't have bothered submitting this, you should have finished the movie and then submitted it.

This is the most stupid unfinished work thing I've ever seen.

Hmm, needed more to it

What you had was funny but it really did need more to it as it was way too short, perhaps you should have had more stick figures doing stunts as well and had some sort of big pile up.

Hmm, I love Duck Hunt but I didn't like this

The idea while it wasn't too bad was never going to make a good flash movie, shooting the dog in Duck Hunt is somehting everyone's wanted to do but didn't really make that good a flash movie, it was a simple idea that wasn't anything special at all.

Erm... okay, and that was?

The author's comments sums this up, it really is that bad and pathetic, the sound quality was poor as well and needed work, what was the point to this? It was just stupid, crap and pathetic, really immature and a complete waste of time.

Er right, and that was?

Erm okay it changed between some guys face and a sheep a few times and that was it, there really was no point whatsoever to it, I'm assuming the guy was about to have sex with the sheep and that was the joke, this really did suck and was just completely pointless crap.

Could have been better, the end was stupid

The idea to this seemed nice, a skull kid who doesn't have any friends and wants one, but you didn't do much with it you could have added more story to it and done it in a storybook form. I didn't like the end with him getting plastic surgery and looking different with you using some guy's pasted head as that was completley stupid and it looked it as well.

Could have been better

If it wasn't for the stupid bird shit joke this wouldn't have been too bad, this flash would ahve been better without it and with different music, you should have used a sadder piece of music as the piece you used seemed like some sort of tribal rain dance music or something. Bird shit joke and music aside it was a bit on the nice side, re-do it making it more serious and with a different piece of music and you've got a good movie.

Age 37, Male

Lazy cunt


Bramley, Hampshire, UK

Joined on 2/6/02

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