View Profile AfroUnderscoreStud

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Erm, wtf?

WTF? That was random. It was just a bunch of pasted images with one of a baby with its mouth moving while some lines were being read, the joke wasn't even funny, it was just about eating hotdogs. If you were going to do this you should have at least drawn the stuff yourself, anyone can get a load of pasted images and make a flash movie with them. You also needed a funny joke, as there's nothing funny about eating a load of hotdogs.

Peace Out, Afro Stud


Hmm, it was alright I guess

It was a simple idea and it had been done before but that was okay as you had done it differently. The sound wasn't too great, obviously it was annoying whenever it wen Wazzup! but the rest of the sound was bad as well seemed to be of a poor quality and the acting was very poor, in a cheesy kind of way, but then this whole movie was like a very cheesy anime programme, despite the cheesiness of it all, it didn't suck and it was actually alright. It's kinda weird that I don't hate this considering how it's got two movie elements that I hate, Wazzup! and Dragonball Z, so well done on making a movie I didn't hate combining the two.

Peace Out, Afro Stud


Pasted images with their mouths moving

That was terrible, even for a pasted images with their mouths moving movie. You took two people's heads and pasted them on the bodies of 2 people in a Who Wants To Be A Millionaire picture and had their mouths moving to some lines. It was hard to make out what they were saying as the voices weren't very clear, this movie really was horrible.

Peace Out, Afro Stud


It wasn't too bad, could have had more to it

The movie wasn't too bad, but there wasn't really much going on, it was basically just text on the screen to represent a chat room, maybe you should have had something else going on as well but considering what the song was there wasn't much you could do, but maybe you could have shown the geeks or something, as it would have made it better as they'd have been somethign going on within the movie. The sound while not of a terrible quality, it could have been of a better quality.

Peace Out, Afro Stud


Nice, really nice, very original

I loved it, that was great, a very original idea, I loved it at the start when the guy hit the guy and explained why and that it was to create character tension, it was because he said that that it was great and it was even better when you did the background change thing and had the guy said it was to keep the person watching it interested. It was a very nice twist at the end when you found out that what they'd been waiting for the whole time was for the text The End to come along, that was very funny. This movie was great, so great it was almost worthy of a 5. This is one of the best movies I've ever given a 4 to. Thankyou for being another person out there who proved that you don't need great graphics to make a great flash movie. Well done, great job, keep up the good work.

Peace Out, Afro Stud


One funny joke, the rest was poor

It was just yet another condom advert flash movie, they really aren't funny at all, this one was making jokes about naming the condoms after big objects such as the Hindenberg and the Jolly Green Giant, I just didn't find it funny at all. Right at the end though there was one good joke and that was the one about the munchkin riding in the hindenburg, simple but effective. It was just a flash movie to a sound clip you found though, so they weren't your jokes, and the movie was basically eventless, just drawings of condom wrappers.

Peace Out, Afro Stud


Um, no. That just wasn't funny at all

Two guy's were doing what looked like masturbating in the cinema, then they move and slip in what you think's their cum, then a load of other people slip in it and at the end it turns out to be nacho cheese. The joke just wasn't funny at all, it was a very simple joke, that's been used too many times before, it just really isn't funny and when people make different variations of the same joke over and over it just gets boring.

Peace Out, Afro Stud


*Covrs face wiv hands nd stares @ scren in disblf*

No, no, no, that was horrible, you combined two of the most unfunny things ever into one movie, Wazzup! was never funny, I hated it from day one and fart jokes, fart jokes aren't funny either, they never were and they never will be. This movie was so bad I actually covered my face with my hands and just stared at the screen in disbelief. How could you even think fo doing such a thing? Combining the two worst elements of flash movies into one was never going to be good. I'm not even sure which is worse, this or Historical Speeches, I'd have to say each were equally terrible.

Peace Out, Afro Stud


Pretty funny, better than the first, I liked it

It was kinda boring up until the bathroom sketch with Ronald Reagan and Bill Clinton, it was alright before that but it wasn't really that great, I loved that scene though, it was funny when they manipulated Mr T and then spoke about how they'd done it after, a very funny scene. It was kinda nice seeing Scrotum included in the start as well. the main problem with this was the sound, not only were the voices very quiet, they were difficult to understand too, I understood some of what was said but just not all of it, I'd probably have enjoyed it more were I able to understand every word. Anyway, well done, good job, keep up the good work.

Peace Out, Afro Stud


Hmm, it looked nice but it was just a trailer

You shouldn't have submitted this as it isn't the finished version and I feel that demos/trailers/previews don't deserve to be submitted to Newgrounds as they are not the finished version, you should wait until you finish something before deciding to submit it.

Demo/Trailer/Preview rant over.

It looked like it would have made a good movie, but nothing really happened, some text, a ninja, then the ninja got his face sliced off, there didn't seem to be much story, this was just explaining what the movie was about, and it was just the same old ninja movie preview. It looked like it could have been a good movie, but this was just completely pointless. You should have used better text as well, as the text you used just looked very plain and boring and didn't fit at all with the ninja style.

Peace Out, Afro Stud


Age 37, Male

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