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Kinda nice, a bit too long though

It was nice and kinda funny at times and was kind of entertaining to watch, it really was too long though as parts of it were really boring and the movie didn't really need them. The black/white Jesus part was the funniest part of this movie. The sound needed work as quite often you couldn't make out what was being said.

A nice, funny movie

That was nice definitely the best of the EvilDave TV series, the idea to it was funny and was always going to make a good movie, which you did, but the sex scene was stupid and looked really poor, it was probably necceasry but should have been done using a raccoon you drew yourself rather than one you pasted in to make it funnier. When Taco did the shit that took the piss and wasn't funny at all and took away some of this movies humor points, come on man shit jokes aren't funny, anyway the shit joke aside that was a nice, funny movie, keep it up.

Well that was a piece of crap

You shooting Rosie O'Donnell, that really didn't do anything for me, it wasn't at all funny and just seemed really pointless, you should have made some jokes in this and made something else happen, this really did suck.

Funny but kinda crap

That was a nice idea, I just feel that you could have done abetter job with it. The dog doing a shit at the start was pathetic but then you fortuantely steered away from that and made the actual joke, the joke was funny but really could have been done better.

Again I loved it but u shouldn't have submitted it

What you had was brilliant but it wasn't the final version so you shouldn't really have submitted it at all, please don't submit trailers or unfinished movies theres no point to it, finish this off then add it, what was here was really nice and I'm sure the final version of this will do well in the portal. Sorry once again despite the fact I loved it I'm gonna have to vote 0 as it's not a full movie.

Well that sucked

Taking the piss out of your own series earns you a 1 for style and humor instead of a 0 but it still sucked. There really didn't seem to be much point in taking the piss out of your Warhed series as it's not like it's a well known series or anything. It's a shame, I was looking forward to the actual episode as well, but by the looks of things it's not on here.

Nice but it's a trailer

I liked it it was a good trailer but I don't believe that trailer's should be submitted to Newgrounds as they aren't the full movie and therefore don't deserve to be uploaded, so despite the fact I liked this I'm gonna have to vote 0, sorry. It was nice to see that some kind of story ahd been added and that there were voices, but I really ddin't like that scream it was annoying and wasn't done too well, it could hve been done much better.

That was brilliant I loved it

This was much better than the 2nd, as it was much more eventful and more fun to watch and also all the different pieces of music went really well with the part of the movie that was being played at that point, well done, keep up the good work.

Age 37, Male

Lazy cunt


Bramley, Hampshire, UK

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