View Profile AfroUnderscoreStud

1,187 Movie Reviews

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Was basically the same as the first

You only added 2 little things in here, the rabbit eating a spoonful and then the kid whacking him in the back of his head with a baseball bat, yeah the flash was slightly better with this, but you barely chanegd anything, surely you could have just updated the original instead.

Well that was fucking stupid

The Trix rabbit shoots some kids, that sucked, it wasn't funny at all, you had your mouth too close to the microphone and the rabbit's voice was too squeaky and you couldn't make out half of what he said, an awful idea made an awful flash movie.


Nothing happened a stick raised his hat to soemone and it ended, okay this is the first Newgrounds submission that used this style, but it still sucks, nothing really happened at all, you should have made it longer and more eventful and added some sound.

Needed more to it, this seemed kinda pointless

This wasn't really that good at all, a computer blew up because of some hacker, it wasn't really impressive and it needed a lot more to it, there didn't seem to be any point to it wahtseover, you should stick to Warhed, that's a damn good series.

Hmm it was alright

It was a nice idea with the guy being a pinata, so well done there, the game didn't turn out too bad either, that prick sure as hell deserved what he got.

You had two different difficulty settings, I tried both, but found no difference, so I don't know what that was about.

It's just text entirely pointless

if you were going to submit a movie about your feelings you could've at least made a proper flash movie rather than just using text with a black background, this really was completely fucking pointless.

Oh for fucks sake.

Dude that wasn't funny, it was just pathetic, shit jokes really aren't funny at all, this was just sick as well, some guy feeds his daughter his own shit telling her that it's pudding. Come on man that was just wrong, this was a truly terrible flash movie.

That was amazing, beautiful, I loved it

Seriously dude that was amazing, I loved it, it was an amazingly beautiful flash, that goes straight into my favourite movies, it's the 4th best thing I've ever seen on Newgrounds, this really is that damn amazing, you rock, keep up the fucking amazing work.

That was alright, it was funny, nice joke

Well done you've made a movie of a joke that works, the movie may not have been that good but the joke was funny, you needed to sort out the sound as the sound that was in the movie was really poor.

I know a guy with a really small head, I wonder if that's what happened to him?

Short and too the point, it wasn't too bad

You could have made an uneccasarily long movie here but fortunately you didn't you made the joke, the movie made it's point and it was over, it wasn't exactly good, but then again it didn't entirely suck, not too bad, you did good with the idea you had.

Age 37, Male

Lazy cunt


Bramley, Hampshire, UK

Joined on 2/6/02

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