Pretty good, nice and funny.
I didn't like the start with the WWF insult, I don't like WWF, but still it just wasn't neccesary and it was kind of annoying having to press the button to continue.
I didn't like the next part either where the kid was on his computer, it was just pretty boring, then you ahd to press another button to continue, which again was kinda annoying, also the scene had no sound, and it really needed some. then you randomly showed a dead dog across the street, which was just completely pointless, it had no relevance to the movie.
Then you had the guy meditating and he had a voodoo kit, okay this part wasn't too bad but it was let down by the constant use of that warp beam sound that comes with flash that everyone used in the early Newgrounds movies.
I liked the next part where you panned past the axe and back to it and had the text speaking about it, it was funny and very original.
You then used the previous method again, explaining the camera shots when the guy threw the axe across the street, again it was funny and I liked it, repeating the joke improved it. the burp that the man did sounded really horrible though, if you were going to include it you should have made it sound better.
Then you had the axe kill the guy and go on a killing rampage, which was funny and I really liked this part, especially when it found another axe friend and they went off and killed together. It was obvious that you stole the idea from The Insane Chainsaw for this but just replaced the chainsaw with an axe, but it was still good. Finally you added sound to the movie here although it could ahev been better, The Lone Ranger sound clips were of a poor quality and the screams were kind of annoying and were also of a poor quality.
Overall it was a good, nice and funny movie, but it needed to have consistent sound throughout it, you could have had either music playing, people talking, or both, as the whole thing just seemed really odd without sound and the lack of it let it down. It was still a funny movie though and I did enjoy it. Well done, good job, keep up the good work.
Peace Out, Afro Stud