View Profile AfroUnderscoreStud

1,187 Movie Reviews

36 w/ Responses

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Should have been better

Okay i realise this is the first ever flash tutorial submitted to Newgrounds but it sucks, it was just text, you should have used screenshots as well, then this would've gotten a much better score.

A totally pointless stereotypical stick movie

That was fucking stupid, totally random and pointless, a bird shit joke, a piss joke and pointless sex and violence, there was nothing impressive here, it was just a load of crap.

Oh is that it?

A stick figure jumped off a structure and cracked his head open on a rock, then it was all over, it really did need more to it, it was just a 2 seconds movie and wasn't really worth watching at all, there didn't seem to be any point to this whatsoever.


What the fuck was that? A pasted image of that kid from South Park with a poorly drawn background and some text, it wasn't funny, I really don't see the point to this.

That was stupid.

It was just some fat guy talking, it wasn't really that funny, occaisionly it was but most of the time it wasn't, the eating thing just looked stupid, food flying out of nowhere into his mouth wtf? He could have at least picked it up himself. The sound needed alot of work as it was too squeaky and it was hard to make out what was being said at times. This needed a lot of work, it really did suck.

The most stupid thing I've ever seen

What the fuck was that? It was just really fucking stupid, just stupid fart, shit, Tony Danza and Pope jokes that weren't funny at all, seriously what was the point to this? Was it to make the most stupid movie ever? If it was you succeded.

Both dark and beautiful with sadness and humor

That was fucking amazing the best damn movie I've seen these last 2-3 weeks, it was magnificent you combined both dark and beauty into one movie which just worked amazingly, it was sad when the dog amde the dog he fancied blow up but the afterevents with the dog carrying off her bones was funny and the whole movie worked really well. At times the music didn't really go to well with the movie but the movie was so damn great that that didn't really matter too much. Anyway well done, keep up the damn amazing work.

What a load of crap

Just a collection of pictures and text, the idea of the evil squirrels seemed kinda funny and I was expecting a movie to start after that but it didn't and it really should have done, you could ahve made a funny movie with that idea but you failed to anything with it, you just made pictures and text and it was just a load of shit.

Age 37, Male

Lazy cunt


Bramley, Hampshire, UK

Joined on 2/6/02

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