View Profile AfroUnderscoreStud

1,187 Movie Reviews

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Oh, is that it?

That was way too short and nothing really happened at all, you should have had something happening, there really was nothing whatsoever in this movie and I seriously fail to see the point in you having made it.

*Sighs* That really wasn't funny at all

A guy has sex with a goat that's all it is, it really isn't funny at all, the sex went on for too long as well, you made the damn joke you didn't need to keep it going. At first when it started I thought it was some pointless submission that was just going to be a goat walking, but I wish that's all it was, it sure would have been better than what it actually was.

*Tuts* Fart jokes really aren't funny

Yet another of the many fart joke movies on Newgrounds, why do people bother making thses? Fart jokes really aren't funny at all unless your 5 and considering 5 year olds don't use Newgrounds there really is no point in submitting these stupid fart joke movies on here.

Hmm, a bit crap to be honest

It's Newgrounds first Kirby parody and it really isn't that much at all it was just Kirby getting popped basically, it needed more to it, it wasn't really worth watching, okay I'll admit there's worse flash out there that's even less pointless than this but this was still crap and fairly pointless.

The title says it all

That really was completely ridiculous, it was a load of fucking shit, the idea seemed kinda funny and had you made a proper flash movie rather than just having images and distorting and moving them it could have been good, but this was just a laod of crap that anyone could have made.

Nice idea, I liked it

It was a nice idea to take the piss out of half the crap that people submit to the portal and I strangely found myself liking it and this is the first deliberatley shit Newgrounds piss-take that I've truly enjoyed so well done, keep up the good work.

I love how you put no effort whatsoever into this but it was still good.

Well that was a load of crap

A pasted image of Mike Tyson with his mouth moving to a song, the idea to this wasn't funny even back then this joke was old and unfunny and it was very rare for someone to make a funny joke about it, you didn't make a funny joke of it, you just made a really shit movie to a song that wasn't really that funny, this sucked.

Erm... okay, and that was?

Hmm I watched this earlier as another submission it was titled 2pac vs. Dr Dre, it was submitted earlier than this but considering both of them have your made by jg thing I'm assuming the other one was stolen. Add the Newgrounds site address to this link and deal with it if you want /portal/view/1690.

Anyway here's my review for that from earlier but slightly modified.

The author's comments where it says what happens sums this up, it really is that bad and pathetic, the sound quality was poor as well and needed work, what was the point to this? It was just stupid, crap and pathetic, really immature and a complete waste of time.

Newgrounds first funny Bill Clinton movie

That was funny, a good effort and a good movie well done. Congratulations on being the first person to submit a Bill Clinton movie that isn't a complete load of shit, in fact that I can remember this is the only good one I've ever seen, so seriously man, well done there, keep up the good work.

Newgrounds first truly great serious entry

That rocked, it seemed average until the end, that was a very nice twist with the baby, i loved it, seriously man well done, congratulations on being the first person to submit a serious flash that is truly amazing, anyway keep up the great work.

Age 37, Male

Lazy cunt


Bramley, Hampshire, UK

Joined on 2/6/02

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