View Profile AfroUnderscoreStud

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Nah, didn't like it at all

Yeah this is damn old. 8 years old in fact and for back then this would have been an alright movie, but by todays standards its poor, the storyline was horrible, a guy rides off a cliff on a motorbike and the movie jsut wasn't entertaining at all, it wasn't funny either. The motorbike sounds you made with your mouth just sounded horrible and I found it really annoying.

Needed more to it

It seemed okay at first, totally random and pointless but still fun to watch, it was better than Hypnotic, as more seemed to happen but it ended dissapointingly early, had you kept going with more random events this would have been a good movie.

Wasn't really that good

It was a simple idea but the whole point to it just seemed to be to tell people how to make home-made napalm, the movie wasn't really funny and was a bit on the stupid side. This movie could have done with some sound, it just looked stupid without it.

Short, sweet and funny, yeah that was alright.

A nice little joke involving the Ice hockey players getting run over, I can't believe someone made a parody of that game, but you did an alright job of it, short, sweet, funny and to the point.

*Tuts* That was fucking stupid

Pasted images while the frogs budweiser commercial sound clip plays then people get their heads shot off apparantly by Elian Gonzalez who then tells them to shut the fuck up. That really wasn't funny at all, just a waste of my time, anyone could have done it.

*Tuts* Shit jokes aren't funny

A guy gets a lethal injection, dies then shits himself, it really wasn't funny, shit jokes never are. This needed more sound to it, correct spellings as you had way too many incorrect ones and a decent story to it.

And no I won't vote 5, why should I? This sucked, I'm voting 0.

BTW this is a movie not a game.


The joke was alright, yeah them damn blue screens are always over fucking nothing, but it just didn't make a good flash movie, it was pretty boring, you needed to use more sound and you could have improved it by having a guy in front of the computer and showing how he reacts to it.

You seriously think I'm going to do that?

It was a pretty stupid idea but it could have been better you could have said something would ahppen if you do press 5 or something.

Nice touch in your author's comments where you say it works once a day, but then the question is what works? This movie just says to vote 5 it doesn't say anything will happen if you do, like it should have done.

Sorry but I'm voting 0.

i wonder how amny people actually voted 5 for this like it says to.

Random and pointless, needed to be longer

At first I didn't think it was too bad, yeah the actual movie was crap, but it didn't seem too bad, it was totally random and thats what made me think it was alright, you ended it too early though, if you'd have kept it going on and had more totally random stuff happening it could have been good, but as this was it was poor.

I like the idea with the egg that seemed pretty cool.

Age 37, Male

Lazy cunt


Bramley, Hampshire, UK

Joined on 2/6/02

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