Good, so damn close to a 4/5
That was good, definitely the best in the series so far, I really liked it, unfortunately it wasn't quite worthy of a 4 in my opinion, it was still real good though.
I liked it how you finally got to see what happened to Davis and Jan, and while it was longer it could ahve done with a few more scenes instead of there just being two different areas involved in it, it would have been nice to have seen what happened to the other guys as well as that would have made this movie much better and would definitely have pushed it up to a 4 for my vote, maybe even a 5. The first fight scene where the 3 new people were fighting was a bit short especially since they were outnumbered, a longer, more gripping fight scene would have been much better, also having Davis and Jan help out would have improved it, rather than having them jsut wait till it was over, as it just seemed a bit weird having them just standing there watching the fight and not helping out. The next fight was perfectly done, the right length, the right amount of action and it was kinda gripping, perhaps the other guy could have put his sword away though at the end as it just seemed a bit odd that he kept his out while the other guy put his away. It was nice to see that you'd improved on the music and sound, it just seemed much better.
I wasn't too keen on the bottle cursor you put in that followed the ordinary mouse cursor around, it was just completely pointless, there was no need to have it in there, it didn't do anything at all(I think maybe there's an easter egg that requires a bottle or something, but I really don't think that there was, please tell me if there was or not) and it jsut got in the way and I didn't like seeing the one dot at the bottom of the screen, as when you know something's there even if it isn't that noticeable at all, you still know it's there and you get ditracted by it.
Again you could have improved the character part at the start, instead of it being the characters in a row, you should have had it so that if you click on them a profile about them opens up, or if you scroll over them their name shows up or something.
Peace Out, Afro Stud