View Profile AfroUnderscoreStud

1,187 Movie Reviews

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An alright idea, but a poor movie

It was an alright idea but it just didn't seem to work, it could have been better, maybe you should have had the people in various situations and then they should have killed themselves as the text followed by short death clip wasn't really entertaining and got a really boring after a while, also there should have been more sound effecst instead of it just being the occasional one, and I didn't like the scream it was just really annoying, you should have ahd some funnier suicides as well, as what was on offer here jsut wasn't that funny at all to be honest.

Peace Out, Afro Stud


Same old, same old

There wasn't much here I haven't seen a million times before and it just didn't keep me interested at all. I did like a few parts of it such as the part where Ryo threw all the chopsticks, but the rest of it was just way overdone stuff, even the girl where the guy picks her up looks into her eyes then she gets hit, it would have been nice to have seen something different rather than just more ninjas and Matrix style stuff as stuff like that gets submitted all the time and Newgrounds is full of it. I was expecting this one to continue on from where the first left off, which would have been nice, but it didn't it was just another story involving Ryo. Again nice sound quality, but voices or human sound effects would have improved it.

Peace Out, Afro Stud


Just yet another ninja movie

This was nothing I haven't seen already a million times, it was just like the rest of the thousands of ninja movies. Some story would have been nice, rather than it just being a pointless violence movie and there wasn't much in it to keep me entertained, sure you had a few interesting fight scene moments, but they weren't enough to make this a good movie, it just completely lacked in originality and story, hopefully I'll see some story in the second one. The sound in this was of a nice quality, maybe some voices or human sounds would have made it better though.

Peace Out, Afro Stud


An overdone joke

A guy crosses the road and gets run over, I've seen way too many movies about people and animals getting run over in the middle of the road, it wasn't anything orginal, it was pretty short as well, perhaps something else could ahve happened, maybe he could have got the keg and got run over on the way back or something.

Peace Out, Afro Stud


Is that it?

Some text, a drawing of some guy and a drawing of the earth. How could you have made this better erm a story? A point maybe?or Maybe even something happening? I really don't want to sit around looking at nothing, if you were going to make a movie you could have at least put something in it rather than just having text and a couple of pictures, that wasn't impressive at all, oh and you didn't even have sound.

This is the most pointless movie of all time.

Peace Out, Afro Stud


Age 37, Male

Lazy cunt


Bramley, Hampshire, UK

Joined on 2/6/02

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