View Profile AfroUnderscoreStud

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Again, LOL. WTF? That was even better than 4

OMG that was fucking amazing, you can't not love Bill, he fucking rocks. That was funny as fuck, the start wasn't too funny but the rest of it damn sure was, seriously man you have to make more of these, I would love to see an episode 6. This has to be one of the weirdest series I've ever seen, you love it but you don't have any idea why it's WTF in a good way, I love it, it's so unique, my hat's off to you sir.

LOL. WTF? Very weird and strange the series' best

Man that was brilliant, definitely the best in the series, the humor is just weird but it's funny and it really works. I'm not sure why I found it so funny it just was, that was a damn brilliant episode and is far superior to the rest of the series, I'm looking forward to episode 5, the fact that it might be even better than this has got me all excited. I'm not sure at all why I love this, i just do, you rock.

The first is still the best

Just like the second this one this is lacking anything to make me want to give it more than a 1, the first was nice and was funny, the second just wasn't funny and was too short, again this one wasn't funny, it was two guys arguing in a car, it was nice to see Bill back as well, I guess his scene was slightly humorous, I didn't like the ending at all, it was too obvious that it was going to happen.

Not as good as the first, this one's lacking

Well that was crap, I was expecting myself to be watching a good movie here after the first, but instead of improving like I thought you would you did a worse job, it's not the worst of submissions and is better than the majority of the crap flash added at this time. Hopefully the rest of the series will be as good a sthe first or hopefully better. This one didn't really seem to have anything in it to make it a good movie, it also could have been longer as it was too short, the girl reminded me of someone I know though, so I liked that.

That was alright, very good 4 an early submission

That was alright, Bill fucking rocks, the movie was pretty funny although when Bill said that he ate shit once too just after saying he'd drank piss before, that part was just stupid and lowered the score slightly, I'm pleased to see that you've made a series of this hopefully the rest will be better.

Needed dialogue, it was pointless without it

If you weren't going to ahve voices to this you could easily have just added text into show what they were saying as without it the movie was completely pointless and was just people walking and moving their mouths, I can't say if the idea was a good one or not as I don't have a clue what it was supposed to be about.

A guy throws an oval at a guy then knifes appear

Well that was pointless, by far the worst pointless violence flash movie i've ever seen, it was awful all it was was a guy throwing a black oval at some other guy, then a laod of knifes fly through the air out of nowhere and kill them both, shit and boring.

A nice idea done horribly

You had a nice idea here in making a music video for that song, but you made a terrible job of it, you could have done a lot better than this surely, if your any better at flash now, you should probably remake this, and also you need to come up with some better ideas for the actual video itself, do that and it'll probably do pretty well in the portal.

Um yeah

What the fuck? What is this piece of crap? All you've done here is got some images and some text, had them being spoken out by some annoying voice that you could barely understand and added some music to it. Was this supposed to be a trailer or something, if it was you shouldn't have submitted it and should have had it at the start of the actual movie, if it wasn't shame on you for filling the portal up with junk like this.

Not even remotely funny

A few of the scenes in this movie were okay at best while most were just ridiculously crap, it was a stupid idea for a movie and the humor in it wasn't funny, just stupid kiddy humor, I know it's old but you could have done a lot better.

Age 37, Male

Lazy cunt


Bramley, Hampshire, UK

Joined on 2/6/02

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