View Profile AfroUnderscoreStud

1,187 Movie Reviews

36 w/ Responses

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Well that was terrible wasn't it.

A guy orders a burger with no pickle, he gets a burger with pickle so he kills the guy, may seem like a mildly funny idea, wtach this you'll find out it isn't. I'm pleased to see you didn't make a 2nd, or maybe you did and it rightfully got blammed.

Evn wors thn the sterotypical crap violence flashs

That really did suck big time and is definitely one of the worst movies I've ever seen, this movie made all the rest of them crappy pointless violence movies look bearable, shame on you.

I liked it, better than I was expecting

That was good, a ncie entertaining, fairly humorous to watch movie, good job, may not have been the best or funniest idea but you still made a good job of it, this is the 2nd movie I've seen today where I'm going to vote higher than the score it already has, good job.

I remember this, pointless then, pointless now

There really was no point to this at all, there never was, Fred Durst gets killed with a chainsaw, yeah Fed Durst's one of the biggest dicks in the music scene but killing some twat doesn't make a good movie, it really was pointless.

It sucked, the plot was awful

This movie speaks for itself really. Basically there's a party and loads of Dickachu's turn up none of the rest of the Fukemon want them there so they make them get stoned, where's the humor in that?

True, if only people had listened

It sucked obviously but that's exactly what you intended, so good job I guess. I'll still vote 0 though. I jsut wish people had listened to this movie and didn't add half the shitty flash that they have.

A guy wipes his arse with another guy's socks. Nah

Why did you even bother with this? the trailer was better than the actual movie. You shouldn't have had the trailer with this movie there was no point as it has nothing to do with this movie. Anyway this movie sucked turd jokes aren't funny and they never were, why'd you make this crap? It's a shame that Newgrounds is full of junk like this.

A simple mildly amusing idea

It sucked but it would have been awful if it had been a good flash movie. I feel you had a ncie idea here it works, it made it's point, the jokes fairly okay, you never tried to make this good, it deserves to be on Newgrounds and I feel it has a deserving score not quite a 2, but then with this you never expected anything more.

Over too soon, nothing happened

I can't even write about what happened in this movie in my review as there was nothing had it been longer and you'd had soemthing happen it mgiht have been worth my time. It's better than your Timothy series, but that isn't saying much at all.

Age 37, Male

Lazy cunt


Bramley, Hampshire, UK

Joined on 2/6/02

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