A bit of a short trailer, but it was alright
You shouldn't have submitted this as it isn't the finished version and I feel that demos/trailers/previews don't deserve to be submitted to Newgrounds as they are not the finished version, you should wait until you finish something before deciding to submit it.
Demo/Trailer/Preview rant over.
Yeah that was a pretty good trailer, it was a bit short though and if I hadn't read your author's comments I wouldn't have had a clue what it was about, it looked like it was going to be a nice series, but by the looks of things you never bothered with it, I'm also assuming I'm also correct in the fact that you're not going to bother with it, as it's been 5 years now and still nothing. Come on this series has promise I reckon you should go back to this and start making the episodes, I for one would love to see them, and judging by your work I 'm sure you'd do a damn good job of it.
Peace Out, Afro Stud
Sorry but I'm gonna have to vote 0 as it was a trailer and I don't believe that it should have been submitted, sorry but those are my principles.