View Profile AfroUnderscoreStud

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It was alright, it needed to be longer though.

What you had was alright and it was fairly interesting to watch, the only problem with it was that not too much went on and it just wasn't long enough, you should have made the fight sequence longer as this fight itself was much more interesting than the others in the series so far and it was great to see someone dealing with Xin so easily. I liked the introduction of the new character Dom and you left it in a fairly interesting place which has got me looking forward to what's going to happen next. The main problem with this series so far is that it's concentrating too much on the fights, sure they should be in it but you also need to have some more story in it as well as it would just be much more interesting with it. I liked the part where the kid ran into the cafeteria and shouted to everyone telling them about the fight on the roof, it reminded me of what it used to be like back in school whenever there was a fight, although the students should have reacted more quickly, after all it was two of the best fighters and biggest students in the school that were fighting eachother, so the slight delay didn't look too good. Again there was the thing with the graphics where there were holes in the caharcters and the colours going over the lines, I realise that's the graphical style you were going for, but it just didn't look too good. The sound quality seemed better this time, the only problem was that the crowd sound during the fight on the roof seemed fairly poor. Also the vocie acting for Legend and Dom was pretty poor, which made the movie seem slightly worse than it actually was.

Peace Out, Afro Stud


Not that good.

It just really wasn't that good at all, the fight at the start wasn't interesting, it was nothing new, just the same old fight sequence that's been done a million times already, you should have tried being more original with it. The story in this one wasn't too good either, it just went over the same old stuff as before and the only new story to it was the introduction of two new characters, I guess there was the little bit of story that Legend was going to 'pay Xin a visit' but that wasn't exactly that interesting a turn of events, although that short sequence at the mention of Xin's name was fairly good, it's just a shame that that was the only good part of the movie, although I did also like the bit where the tecaher suddenly turned up and Andre took one punch to knock him out, but then that was only a 2 second sequence. I wasn't too keen on the fact that there were 3 different graphical styles used, as when you made the change to a different one it didn't look too good. You'd also gotten a bit lazy with the graphics again and there were holes amongst the characters and also some of the colour went out of the lines, but then again, that was the style you were going for. The sound again was bad, right at the end there was the original sound problem back again with the little crackly noise. Also the voices sound was of a poor quality, which particularly showed when they got louder and also the voice acting seemed really poor in this one for each character, particularly Mil.

Peace Out, Afro Stud


Hmm, a little disappointing.

It was a little disappointing, not much really happened and it wasn't what I was hoping for at all, it was just a little fight scene in the library and there wasn't much about it which particularly grabbed my attention, I guess it wasn't too bad, but it could have been much better, you should have made it a bit longer and you shouldn't have gone into the fight as early as you did, there should have been a lot more dialogue before it actually happened, you also needed to continue on in this from the very end as it just seemed too short. I liked the part where Ghai came in and Ralph got down on his knees and begged Ghai to take him as his follower, I liked it because you made it look like Ghai was approaching Ralph but he jsut ignored him and approached the girl, okay that's a little overdone, but it still works and that's why it's good. I also liked it when Xin came in and just took out Ralph in one quick punch and you used the slow-motion effect very nicely. There were a couple of parts in this that weren't too good, when Ralph brought his arms together as he said "Strong Rushmore", his arms moving in towards his body didn't look too good due to the merge amongst his arms and body and the overlapping of the two. The sound quality of the voices could also have been better as it was a little on the poor side and it particularly showed when the voices got louder.

Peace Out, Afro Stud


I liked it. It could have been a bit longer though

I liked this one, this definitely has to be the best in the series so far, the only real problem with it was that it seemed a little too short and not much in terms of action happened, it was just setting up the story, it was a good story though and it was interesting to watch, it was also nice to finally see why the series was called XIN. I liked how you showed the story from the teachers perspective, as i just expected this series to be all from the students point of view, showing the teacher's as well just made it even better. The artwork problem before seemed a lot better this time as it looked like you'd taken care in not going over the lines and in making sure there weren't any holes, the only problems with it were with Xin and Ghai and also Andre at the very end where the problem was still there, but like I've said already it's no big deal as that's obviously the style of artwork you were going for. It was also nice to see that you'd sorted out the sound problem in this one. I'm looking forward to the next part, hopefully that will ahve a nice mixture of action and story. Anyway, well done, good job, keep up the good work.

Peace Out, Afro Stud


That wasn't that good.

This one wasn't that good, they're were a couple of good parts amongst it but the majority of it was just really poor. I liked the vey start with Ghai and the girl talking, it set up the story very nicely and I was expecting some good events to follow, like the students causing chaos in some funny, interesting way, but instead it was just an awful fight scene in the cafeteria. I didn't like how you used real people's faces on bodies you drew as it just looked pretty stupid to be honest and it gave the movie that 'terrible beginner flash movie' feel to it, it would have been better if you'd drawn the faces yourself as it would have made you be able to take the flash movie more seriously as it just seemed like some sort of joke. I also wasn't too keen on how you made the fight scene choppy, it would have been much better if the movement had been fluid instead as again it would have made you be able to take the flash movie more seriously as it just seemed like some sort of joke. I liked it when Ghai walked up to them and eevryone whispered 'Ghai' it instantly grabbed your attention and it made it seem very intriguing and I was hooked on that one scene instantly. But then even when hestarted fighting, the fight scene was still poor as it just wasn't particularly interesting, perhaps you should have tried making it so. Again I didn't like the fact that the colours went over the outlines of the characters and how they had holes in the middle of them, as in my opinion it didn't look too good, but then I guess that that was the style you were going for, so there's no real complaint there. Once again you ahd the same old sound problem, every now and then there was this little crackling noise and it didn't sound too good, perhaps you should look into at and try to sort it out if you can.

Peace Out, Afro Stud


That was alright and it had a good story to it.

This was alright, the story to it was a really good one and I'm looking forward to watching the rest of the movies in this series. The only real problem with this is that it was a little too short and not all that much had happened, but then it was only an introduction to the series, what had happened though was good. I liked how you instantly started with the scene of the teacher beating up the student, it was pretty shocking to see and it was a great way of instantly grabbing the viewer's attention. It was pretty shocking the whole through seeing how the teacher was treating the students and it was an even bigger shock when Andre came in and acted like he was the one in control, you ended it nicely too and I'm not that sure which way this is going to go, which has just made me look forward to the next one even more. The only other problems with it was the fact that the colours went over the outlines of the characters, in my opinion it didn't look too good, but then I guess that that was the style you were going for, so there's no real complaint there. A more serious problem though was with the sound, every now and then there was this little crackling noise and it didn't sound too good, perhaps you should look into at and try to sort it out if you can.

Peace Out, Afro Stud


Very cute I loved it. One of the best music videos

It was just brilliant, I loved it, the whole cute style of it was just great, it worked really well and this is definitely one of the best music videos on Newgrounds. This goes straight into my top 10 and it's taken the 10th spot.

At first glance the two characters seemed rather plain, but then you looked again and saw that they were pretty well thought out, the guy only had one arm and the girl only had one eye, it was perfect for them considering what they did. The whole thing was just very nicely done, I loved how at the start you went right up close to the guy's eyes and then you had them turn into the two characters. I also liked how at first you weren't aware of the size of the insects they were after and how they turned out to be ridiculously huge. When the girl brought out the grapple gun and you ahd the screen showing just the grapple gun, it was nice to see as it made a nice break from the rest of the action that was going on and it was nice to see something different amongst it. I also liked how after recieving the money they saw that there were even more monsters to catch and how they then went and captured them all. It was great how you managed to not only have a music video but how you managed to have a story to it as well, most people would have just ended up with one or the other but you managed to achieve both. I also liked how you didn't try making the movie violent as most people would have tried doing that as well and the movie just worked so much better in the cute style that you ahd it in. The only thing I wasn't too keen on was when they got given the money and you had pictures of actual money and then the screen flashing as it was just too different from the rest of the movie and it's appeal got somewhat broken at this point. I also wasn't too keen on the bit where you showed them travelling on the boat and the hot air balloon and that whole little section up until the tree, it's not because what was happening was poor, it's just because that part didn't seem to fit in to well with the music, unlike the rest of it which fitted in perfectly.

Peace Out, Afro Stud


I loved it.

I loved it, right from the start it was great and there was never a dull moment, the movie was consistently great throughout and you were so close to getting a 10 for style(I use the style score for how much I like the movie out of 10). It was great to see that this wasn't yet another remake of the 2nd episode as I was kind of dreading that it would be. Once again I liked how you made them take damage from even the slightest touch as it wasn't something you'd normally expect which made it both good and funny. You made that factor of it even better this time by adding in how much gil was stolen, what item was stolen and what item was used, it was even better to see that done as well, and it just brought more humour and enjoyment to the whole thing. I loved how you had pretty much the whole thing in a very cutesy style and I loved how you had the thief disguised as a black mage at the start. Some of the events in it were completely random and stupid but this time you managed to do it in a way that was actually good, so well done for that. I loved the fight sequences in this as well, okay they weren't exactly action-packed, but that didn't matter, it was the style that they were done in that counted, it was just kinda cutesy and it worked really well and at times they were fairly random, but in a good way.

There was a bit of a sound problem at one point, when you swapped to scrolling up the mountains and eventually to space, just as the change to the mountains was madet he sound suddenly stopped and restarted, perhaps you should sort that out and then update it, although don't submit an entirely new episode with that one change made ;p

Anyway, well done, brilliant job, keep up the great work.

Peace Out, Afro Stud


matt-likes-swords responds:

The sound problem was due to scenes changing, I tried to fix it and succeeded in other parts of the movie, but because it was so big, Flash started doing strange things. Like crashing when I tried to export it.

But anyhow, thanks for the review.

*Sighs* Not this again.

I was disappointed to see this once again, it was just a copy of Black Mages 2: SE, which was a copy of Black Mages 2, but just with some slight changes made to it, I don't really feel that there were enough changes made to it in order for a re-submit. The only difference here from Black Mages 2: SE was more fitting music, better graphics, an extra joke or two and some scenes done ever so slightly differently, it's really disappointing how 3 of the 5 episodes I've seen in this series so far have been basically the exact same movie. Again you needed to use different shots, as the consistent use of medium-long shots didn't let you get involved with action enough and it was absolutely vital at times that you showed things from further out. The humour in this one was still poor as the only good humour was the same jokes that were in the original second episode, the rest was just far too over the top and it got a bit stupid to be honest and I just didn't find it funny at all, the humour was just far too over the top and it just got really stupid to be honest. It would have been much better if instead of recycling a previous movie of yours for the second time you'd made something different, I'm just hoping that the 5th episode isn't this one all over again.

Peace Out, Afro Stud


That was good.

That was good, I'm pleased to see that you steered away from the over the top randomness of the last one and as a result this one was much better, in fact in my opinion it's the best in the series so far. The very start of this wasn't particularly good, but once they all got captured from then on there was never a dull moment and it was just consistently good throughout. The good sense of humour was back which was definitely nice to see as it would have been terrible if you'd continued on with the humour that was there in the last two. Again I liked how you had them taking damage even from the slightest of touches, normally you wouldn't expect it to happen which is why it was good and also funny. The sword fight at the end was good as well, I liked how you had the swords breaking as the fight went on and the whole thing was just nicely done and was pretty interesting to watch. You still needed to show the action from further out at times though as the consistent use of medium-long shots didn't let you get involved with the action enough, yes you used extreme-closeups as well and you used them at the right times, but most of the movie used the same shot type, you needed to bring in long shots as well as there were times when you needed to see more of the action that was taking place which required a long shot. Despite the fact that I preferred this to the first I'm still somewhat disappointed to see that you've decided to take the humour road instead of the story one, as I was looking forward to a good, interesting story with this series, but oh well, I'm liking the humour anyway, so well done, good job, keep up the good work.

Peace Out, Afro Stud


Age 37, Male

Lazy cunt


Bramley, Hampshire, UK

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