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    1,185 Movie Reviews

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    That just wasn't in the least bit funny.

    That was just awful, a laod of shit jokes within one movie, shit jokes aren't funny they never were and they never will be. This had the ability to be not too bad a movie, Ash and Pikachu end up in jail, it doesn't sound too bad at all, but unfortunately it was just filled with shit jokes and other pieces of terrible humour, I liked the escape plan though with using the Pokeball to allow Pikachu to escape. The text at the start went over the pictures you drew, which just looked really horrible, you should have sorted that out. You needed to have sound in this as it just seemed really odd without it and it made it seem even worse than it already was. If you'd had just steered clear of the awful humour that was within this and made some jokes that were actually funny, this could have ended up being an alright movie.

    Peace Out, Afro Stud


    Stupid at times, but kinda funny at others.

    It may have been a completely awful movie but there were moments when the humour wasn't actually too bad, mainly towards the end with the constant recycled Wendy's tits joke, it was funny because it was repeated. It was completely stupid though and there were jokes in it that were just so god damn awful, the Pilchard shit joke for example, shit jokes aren't funny they never were and they never will be. The pasted images you used were of a poor quality and they also still had the outline around their edges which just made them even worse. I think that this movie could have been a fairly good movie if you'd drawn everything in it yourself and got rid of the jokes that were awful in it, perhaps you should remake this drawing everything yourself, it could end up doing alright in the portal. When Spud got shit and you had the view from the snipers on the roof you couldn't make out what Spud and Bob were saying as you had their speech text backwards and the text went too quick so you couldn't read it. I was tempted to give this a 2/5 but then I thought that that was a bit too high due to the sole use of pasted images and some of the awful jokes that were used.

    Peace Out, Afro Stud


    Is that it? Nothing really happened.

    All you did was show some pasted images and some text and you had some music playing along with the occasional sound clip, you never did anything with it, nothing happened at all, if you were going to do a pasted images movie you should have at least had something going on in it, or even better you could have drawn everything in it yourself and had something happening. When you scrolled left along the first pasted image the animation was really choppy and it just looked really poor.

    Peace Out, Afro Stud


    It needed more to it.

    At first it didn't seem to bad, I liked how you made it look like the guy was doing one thing and it turned out to be something completely different, it needed to be longer though as there were only three things in it and then it was all over. The first one was fine and it raised a smile, the same applied to the second one until you went and made the shit joke, shit jokes aren't funny, they never were and they never will be, it kind of ruined the humour that the movie had as well due to how horible that one joke was. I wasn't too keen on the last one as it didn't really make much sense as it didn't fit in with the rest, it looked like he was running and that turned out to be what he was doing. I'm not too sure why he got shot though, there should have been some sort of reason for it other than you just wanting to put some violence in your movie in order to get a higher score. You needed to sort out the sound quality as well, as the music seemed a little rough at times, you also perhaps should have added some sound effects, but it seemed fine without them, it's only real problem was the shortness of the whole thing.

    Peace Out, Afro Stud


    It needed more to it.

    There just didn't seem to be much to it, it was mainly just voices and text, there wasn't anything visually entertaining going on, the movie was just solely depending on the sound and nothing else, you should have shown something happening, like when they were talking about kids getting electrocuted you should have shown some kids getting electrocuted rather than just having text and a drawing of a collar that you did, if this had had something visual to go with it it could have been an alright movie as the plot wasn't too bad. You needed to sort out the sound with this as it was poor throughout, with the voices you had your mouth too close to the microphone and it just didn't sound good at all and with the music you just had a very short piece on a constant loop and every time it ended you heard it restarting far too clearly.

    Peace Out, Afro Stud


    Completely random and pointless.

    It was just far too random and there just didn't seem to be any point to it, it was just some pasted images singing and talking, well more like screaming. It would have been better if you'd drawn the stuff in the movie yourself instead of using pasted images, as pasted images always look really poor when they're in a flash movie, these ones were especially bad though as you still had some of the outline around them, if you were going to do a pasted images flash movie you should have at least made sure that you got rid of that outline first. Most of the sound quality was fine, there was just one part though that was pretty poor and that was when the sentence with bacon in was being screamed. Perhaps you should have made this longer as there didn't seem to be much point to it, a chick and some pink sock puppet cooked a cat's head in a frying pan and Jesus turned up for the meal, perhaps you could have shown Jesus at the table having the meal and you could have had some funny jokes amongst it. But then with this you seemed to be going for the random and pointless style so then again maybe not.

    Congrats on getting this in the top 50, I bet you never saw that coming.

    Peace Out, Afro Stud


    It needed something to happen in it.

    What you had was fairly nicely done, the only problem is that you didn't have anything happening in it, the woman came towards the screen and that was it. It would have been a nice intro to a movie but as a movie by itself it was poor due to the lack of anything happening in it. You should have had some sort of story after the movie involving that woman, it could have made a really good movie. I liked how at the start you showed the eyes it instantly created that sense of mystery and it was nicely done apart from the choice of music as it just didn't create the sense of getting into the action, mainly due to the fact that that piece of music is overused. Perhaps you could have had some sort of frame by frame animation in this as well, as it looked kind of poor that all the animation in it was just motion-tweened.

    Peace Out, Afro Stud


    It had already been done.

    Somebody else had already made a flash movie to that sound clip before you submitted this, you just took the idea from them, come up with your own ideas next time.

    This movie was just really poor as there wasn't anything interesting taking place in it, it was mainly just text and occasionally you'd show some screen shots and a guy in front of a computer, there just wasn't anything visually interesting to go along with the sound clip, the movie just relied on the humour of the sound clip and nothing else. If you were going to do it you should have had something visually interesting going on in it, expecially since it had already been done.

    Don't steal others ideas, come up with your own ones and submit them instead.

    Peace Out, Afro Stud


    It needed some sort of story to it.

    There didn't seem to be any story to it, the Napster guy kills Metallica, that was it, it would have been better if they'd been some story in there with it as well as some dialogue. You should have drawn the Metallica band members yourself instead of using pasted images as it just looked really poor, especially when it came to them being shot as pasted image deaths always look terrible. I wasn't too keen on the section with Lars Ulrich at the end as it just went on for too long and there wasn't exactly much action to it just him disappearing off the screen every time a few bullets were fired. The one part of this I did like though was how you used the Napster logo on the guy's body, it was just a really nice idea and it raised a smile from me, it's just a shame that it turned out to be yet another pointless violence pasted images movie with no story to it whatsoever.

    Peace Out, Afro Stud


    Age 37, Male

    Lazy cunt


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