View Profile AfroUnderscoreStud

1,187 Movie Reviews

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It was good but wasn't as funny as it tried to be

That was a nice flash but you tried too hard to be funny, there were times when you were funny, such as Ganondorf crying and having Zelda say he smelt of eggs, but apart from those two moments the humor wasn't there at all and it was just trying to be, still a nice movie, just not as great as it could've been.

The best in the series, very gripping

Tthat rocked and is definitely the series best it was intense and gripping throughout, you ended it in an annoying place and I can't wait for episode 4. Seeing Michaelangelo singing was great and I loved it. The only problems I have with this movie was when Donatello's stick hit Slash, it just looked really poor and the fact that Donatello's headband still looked blue and it was hard to tell him apart from Leonardo, that aside the movie fucking rocked and I loved (pretty much) every second of it, excellent job, keep up the great work and make episode 4 as soon as you can, I can't wait for it.

That was amazing, straight into my favourites

That was even better than the first you ended it really annoyingly but fortunately episode 3 is already up so I don't have to wait and I can watch it right now, this episode was fucking amazing throughout and is definitely one of the very best flashes on Newgrounds. Donatello's headband still looked blue though instead of purple and it was still difficult to tell him apart from Leonardo(don't know why I put Michaelangelo in my last review, probably because he's the best character). Keep up the amazing work.

I loved it, just like a real programme

That was brilliant, I may have been a sceptic of the trailer but the actual series is amazing, the voice acting was a bit poor at times and needed some work and Donatello's headband's supposed to be purple but it looked blue in this and you couldn't tell him apart from Michelangelo, apart from that it fucking rocked and I hope to see Krang, Bebop and Rocksteady in the series as they were fucking great characters, keep up the good work.

Nice to see Kirby kicking so much arse

This movie showed Kirby to be tough rather than the lame-arse weak character he's made out to be, i loved the end screen as well. You did an excellent job here, I hope you continue to make more brilliant flash movies like this one.

Famous people talking basically

That was poor, real poor, there didn't seem to be a point to it, you'd just drawn famous people then played sound clips of them talking, the lip-syncing was terrible, the mouths moved when nothing was being said and didn't move when somethign was being said, I'm not sure what the plot to this was, but this trailer was awful.

It was alright, but how come the dog died twice?

A dog in the backseat of a car has it's head out of a window and gets killed because of it, a funny idea that made an alright flash movie, the end was stupid where the dog was an angel in heaven and got shot but apart from that it was alright but the same dog died twice in the car which didn't make any sense at all.

A picture with text

That wasn't neccesary, it was just a picture of some street with some text joking about how shit WCW is, a flash movie to express this, really wasn't worth making.

Dull and boring + no sound

One of the many Dragonball Z style movies, very very poor, you didn't even have any sound, which this flash really needed and you needed a background in it as well.

Wasn't much to it, a poor flash movie

It was basically just groundskeeper Willie talking, half the time you couldn't even make out what he was saying as the bagpipe music was louder than him, fuck knows what the point to this movie was.

Age 37, Male

Lazy cunt


Bramley, Hampshire, UK

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