View Profile AfroUnderscoreStud

1,187 Movie Reviews

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Yeah it's alright I guess not Portal Top 50...

material though. Hmmm i normally fucking love your animations but not this one. Real nice smooth animation fucking great job there. But I just find it lacking any real entertainment value. The floating scenery reminded me of Worms, I bloody love that game. Hopefully your next Flash movie I view will be more enjoyable, like the rest of your stuff I've seen before.

Brilliant just Brilliant.

Hoo yeah this ones got me crapping my pants in anticipation for the next one. Roll on Waterman 2. That was really something so many things from other programs and Video Games too. Even the "Donkey Kong" Donkey Kong was in there this had it all I'm expecting the next one to get a perfect 10.

What a fucking load of shit

Tupac fucking sucked, but he sucked a hell of a lot more than this movie. I realise this was the first Mr. T submission ever, but still I'm fucking sick of 'em. I've never even seen a decent one yet.

Hell yeah definitely the best Scrotum ever

It was real nice to see Scrotum get revenge on all the people who had previously "killed" him. Especially that first guy way back from Scrotum 1, that was sweet. Just one problem though why the hell were the gang just standing around watching everyone else in there gang be killed. And why the hell should people vote it down it was and still is a damn great movie.

Fucking amazing despite the fact I love it and...

think it deserves to be in the portal top 50 I can kinda see why you didn't think it would do so good. Holy shit that fucking rocked just one problem though it's Samora not Sadako and RCColaClock how the fuck can people watch a film that doesn't even exist? 'Ringu' what the fucks that? A cross between The Ring and Pingu?

RadishAttack responds:

No, It's not Samar from the Ring, it's Sadako from 'Ringu' RCColaClock is quit right. 'The Ring' is just a Hollywood remake of 'Ringu'

Make sure you know the facts before shouting your mouth off, kid.

Seriously what's the point?

Basically this is like one of those piss easy shooting games with no challenge but shooting one person at a time seperately, pointless, real pointless.

You change the appearance of 1 character big deal

This is exactly the same as Postal changing the apperance of one character doesn't mean you should add another, if you wanted to change that characters appearance then you should have updated Postal and not added a new submission. Obviously once again this game is too piss easy and really really shit.

What a fucking load of shit just a rabbit being...

by some kind of ship repeatedly. Boring.

well that was really really shit still it beats...

all those phone conversations from the internet that are put on Newgrounds with no images, but this one isn't funny at all. Yeah it's pissing annoying when BT and the like, ring up wanting more money for extras, or changing phone company or whatever.

Same old shit

All your movies are pretty much the bloody same so far and they all suck.

Age 37, Male

Lazy cunt


Bramley, Hampshire, UK

Joined on 2/6/02

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