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The start was alright, the rest sucked

I started watching this and I was surprised by the fact that it seemed alright, but then you made a stupid fart joke which wasn't funny, fart jokes never were and never will be, then you had the guy beat up the woman, I wasn't impressed at all, it was just stupid and unfunny, a complete waste of my time.

Nice movie it made me all tingly

Theres two different areas of this I'm going to comment on, the movie itself and the special features section, as both made me have somehting to write about, I'm gonna write my comments for the special features section in a seperate area as it wasn't the movie and didn't effect my vote, or scoring in any way.

That was a very nice movie, very touching(not sure if thats what you aimed for), this movie made me feel a way no other flash movie has ever made me feel before, I correct that, this movie made me feel a way 'NOTHING' has ever made me feel before, I got all tingly because of it, and I still feel a bit like it 5 minutes after watching it, so seriously well done for that. I especially liked the part when the song went "but your not a girl, and I'm not a boy" and you made the two people vanish, it was a very nice idea and just looked really nice as well. The only real problem with this movie is the length, it could have been a bit longer, what was here was very nice and I'd have liked to see more, maybe you should remake this using the whole song instead of the sampler, I'm sure you'd do a very good job of it, and I for one would love to see it..

It was a bit hard to read the text in this feature as the background played with your eyes(if you know what i mean) and I kept having to look away from the screen for a while and then look back again to be able to read it all.

Thanks for mentioning me(chrisjericho(it was my old Newgrounds alias)) in your special features section, it made me smile.

It's for making flash like this that you are my favourite flash author.

Stay fizzy.

Bezman responds:

I was really happy to hear it had managed to make you feel such a way.

Personally, I found the song both touching and kinda amusing in a wistful way. I tried to capture that by simply recreating the lyrics literally.

But however you react to anything I've made, as long as it has a positive impact, I'm happy. Whether someone was laughing because the graphics were so bad or touched emotionally and provoked to reflect a little on life, I'd be happy I'd had some positive influence.

In future, I'll try and make the text easier to read.

You really do deserve the thanks. It's partially thanks to feedback like you're willing to give that I'm able to get an outside perspective on my stuff and continue improving.

Also, knowing that people will have a look at my stuff helps motivate me to make it.

Hmm another portal piss-take by you

Both movies I've seen by you so far are portal piss-takes, as movies they both suck, but thats what the point of them is so it's not as bad as it could be. I'm now convinced you used this trick to submit crap to the portal and not get it blammed, lol, nicely done.

My new worst movie of all time

Okay what the fuck was that? It just seemed to be nothing, I'm not even sure if it was trying to be funny or serious, it was so bad you couldn't tell. it just seemed to be totally random crap, pasted heads on poorly drawn bodies sitting on a sofa talking and then some random red thing, seriously dude wtf?

Age 37, Male

Lazy cunt


Bramley, Hampshire, UK

Joined on 2/6/02

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