the best thing on Newgrounds
this is by far the greatest thing on Newgrounds but Mario on Xbox (shudder) i can't wait for part 2 (drool)
the best thing on Newgrounds
this is by far the greatest thing on Newgrounds but Mario on Xbox (shudder) i can't wait for part 2 (drool)
fucking rocks
this movie rocks man its long too the outakes rule and so does the movie but Kirby sounds nothing like Kirby and the blood graphics and the graphics outside when Mario first takes off are shit also you should make this a playable game cos that would rock
great movie
great movie apart from 1 song which was who let the dogs out that song is fucking shit apart from that it's great
this movie rocks
this rules but the preloader sound is pissing annoying i had to mute my sound
ok i guess
hmmm its ok i guess nothing too special but it ain't shit
this fucking rules
this rules and i aint made no movies but some movies are shit so i wouldn't say i'm a dumbass just for voting 0 and i don't vote for effort i vote for how good the movie/game is
Fucking brilliant
that fucking rocks especially with selectable endings
Not too bad
Not too bad it's score definitely shouldn't be above 2.3 though and i couldn't hear what they were saying some of the times
this is brilliant apart from the voice of Tidus that sucks
pretty pointless
even though its pretty pointless the fact that its to do with Final Fantasy makes it brilliant the Final Fantasy music makes it kick ass even more
Age 37, Male
Lazy cunt
Bramley, Hampshire, UK
Joined on 2/6/02