View Profile AfroUnderscoreStud

1,187 Movie Reviews

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it's good but kinda boring at times you make it sound better than it is and i don't know how it's so high in the portal

i can see why this is so high in the portal

this rocks man i love this it's obvious why it's so high but i had to press forward twice at the end to get to the e-mail me, play again page and i also noticed that the clock hands move backwards sometimes but anyway keep up the brilliant work

the new greatest thing on newgrounds 2nd is part 1

this is even greater than part 1 i can't wait for part 3 now these series are the best things i've ever seen with the brilliant mix of the greatness of star wars and the brilliance of computer games these rock man

this fucking rocks

this kicks serious ass especially for such a short movie the graphics rock especially the blood graphics which are the best i've seen by far

good i guess

this is pretty good but group x suck and is that avid merrions voice in this game the voice which says i buy them icecream they both say yes. weird

pretty damn good

why the hell do you have who let the fucking dos out in every fucking mr. boomba change it it's fucking shit and it's really pissing me off apart from that the movie rocks

pretty damn good

damn good apart from the sound the same fucking shit tunes all the fucking tym ahhh who let the dogs out fucking sucks

how the hell is this top

how the fuck is this top its just anakin skywalker talking about switching to the dark side it's not good, humorous, violent or anything i prefered paper wars being top and that didn't deserve to be top someone or some people have obviously cheated this movi 2 the top

what no blood!!!!!!!!!!!

if your gonna make a movie like this you gotta have blood dude but it still good apart from the fucking birdy song i can't stand that shit

Krinkels responds:

The next one will have blood... But im just worried that the violence might make it seem less cartoony, and keep it off the top 50. eh.. who cares, so far the blood looks great and the violence is absolutely disgusting. some 40 kills so far, and im only 2/3 the way finished.

man does this rock

great movie apart from a few bad drawings and some shit music the beatles what the fuck were you thinking

Age 37, Male

Lazy cunt


Bramley, Hampshire, UK

Joined on 2/6/02

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