View Profile AfroUnderscoreStud

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Good game and fairly addictive.

It was a good game, at first it didn't seem all that good, but after a while of playing it it became enjoyable as the number of enemies increased and the game wasn't as easy as it was at the start, and eventually after a while of playing the game became fairly addictive and I ended up playing it for a good couple of hours. I liked the idea of shooting mechanised beings as opposed to living things, it was a much better idea as it gave the game a different fell to it, had it been just yet another kill people or creatures game, it wouldn't have been anywhere near as good. Strangely enough the repetitive action that was in this game didn't make it seem boring, in fact it made the game better, something very few people manage to pull off, so well done on that. I liked going into Rage mode as it was nice to have a diffeent factor within the game and it gave the game a slightly different feel, which is always nice to have, I especially like the change in colour and speed at this point. The game would have been perhaps a little better with music, though the sound was actually fine without it and it didn't seem all that neccesary as there was pretty much constant sound effects taking place(I realise you have music in the non-Newgrounds version, but I just thought I'd mention that anyway). My only complaint with the game is that the powerups were a bit too random, I played it through a good few times and the whole randomness of it seemed a bit too much, sometimes they'd be absolutely no power-ups appear for ages, sometimes you'd get four within a very short period of time, sometimes certain power-ups would never appear and sometimes it would just be the same power-up appeaing over and over, this one was particularly bad when it was the Rage powerup over and over, as while I liked it, constant Rage powerups was a bad thing as it made it seem more like part of the gameplay as opposed to a great thing you can get every now and then. You should have tried making the powerups to a more set pattern, like one appears once a certain amount of time has passed and you don't get another power-up until the same amount of time has passed again. You also should have had it so that you have to get about 2 or 3 different power-ups until you get the same one again, eg. you get the gun power-up and it won't appear again until 2 different powerups have came along, so say, gun-life-invincibility, then the gun power-up would be able to appear again.

Peace Out, Afro Stud


It needed more to it.

There just didn't seem to be much to it, you just had to jump around the screen collecting items in order to gain points, it doesn't sound to be bad but the problem was that you just didn't do enough with it, you should have had it as a series of levels and had it so that you either had to reach the end or had to get a certain amount of points in order to get to the next level, as it would have dramatically increased the gameplay and it would have made it much more interesting. As it wasn't too good that it was only 45 seconds of jumping around getting items to try to gain points as it just didn't have much of a gameplay factor and once you'd completed it you wouldn't particularly want to play it again. You should have made it harder too as it was just far too easy to avoid damage and on the occasions when you would it wouldn't really effect you much at all, the fact that you had hearts constantly appearing on the screen as well that would increase your health didn't help matters here as it just made it even easier, to make it harder all you ahd to do was simply have more enemies on the screen at the same time and increase the damage that they do to you. The one part of this that I did like was with the acorns, as I liked how the longer you stayed touching it the more points you'd get, it was a nice idea and it gave you a decision to either stay on it getting more points but making the enemies get a lot closer to you so it's harder to avoid damage or to just get a point or two then leave and making it much easier to avoid the damage. Another way to improve it would have been if you'd made there be a way to kill the enemies as it just would have added more gameplay factor to it and it would have been more fun as there'd be another task you would want to achieve. You also needed to add some music into it as only having the sound effects just wasn't enough.

Peace Out, Afro Stud


It needed to have something happening in it.

Nothing happened, some guy went on a weird machine thing, then there were loads of things you could click on and various random things would happen, but all that happened was you got to see some text some images of outlines and at the end the machine blew up, you should have some sort of interesting things happening when you clicked on the various parts of the machine as then they'd have been some sort of thing happening in it that was interesting. You also needed to have some sound, as it just seemed really odd that the whole thing was silent.

Peace Out, Afro Stud


I liked what you had but there just wasn't enough.

You shouldn't have submitted this as it isn't the finished version and I feel that demos/trailers/previews/unfinished work don't deserve to be submitted to Newgrounds as they are not the finished version, you should wait until you finish something before deciding to submit it.

Demo/Trailer/Preview/Unfinished Work rant over.

I liked what you had the only problem is that you just didn't have much in it, it was one fight and it was all over, okay it was just a demo but it was still far too short, you should have continued on from that fight and shown a bit of the story that happened after and then you should have been able to do something else after then this would have been a good demo. I liked the story to this, I liked the way the whole thing ran and I liked the fight style, it was a nice thing to do with setting a certain amount of action points a round and then having three attacks that take up a different amount and you have to choose what combination to use, it was good and it worked really well. The only thing you needed to add to this to improve it(apart from having more in it) was sound effects as it seemed really odd that the whole fight scene was just music. I know this is 5 years old but I think you should make the full game, I for one would love to see it and I'm sure it would do very well in the portal.

1/5(What this game deserves in terms of how good it was)

As this game was a Demo/Trailer/Preview/Unfinished Work I shall vote 0 for it despite the fact that it earnt a higher score, sorry but those are my rules when it comes to Demos/Trailers/Previews/Unfinished Work

0/5(What I shall be voting for this submission)

It needed more to it.

It needed more to it as there wasn't really anything in it, if you left the hospital you had to run back in and when you saw Bill Clinton you had to ignore him and then that was it, it was all over and nothing had really happened. The humour was terrible, just fart, piss and shit jokes, piss, fart and shit jokes aren't funny, they never were and they never will be. You should have had some sound effects in it as there were times when it was absolutely neccesary and it just seemed odd without them.

Peace Out, Afro Stud


Well that was pointless.

You shouldn't have submitted this as it isn't the finished version and I feel that demos/trailers/previews/unfinished work don't deserve to be submitted to Newgrounds as they are not the finished version, you should wait until you finish something before deciding to submit it.

Demo/Trailer/Preview/Unfinished Work rant over.

Even for a preview that was pointless as you couldn't really do anything, all you could do was move some guy out of a building and that was it. It showed you absolutely nothing about what the game was going to be about, which it really should have done as it made the preview have no point to it whatsoever, you should have added a lot more in this and shown what the finished game would be like. With the menu screen that told you what the controls were, you should have set it up so that you clicked once to open it and then clicked again to close it, as it was pretty poor that you had to hold it down. You also needed to add some sound to it as it's always an odd feeling to watch/play something that's completely silent. Also don't beg people to vote high for your submissions it's up to them what they vote for it, not you, whenevr I see people ask for a high score I always subtract 1 from the score I'll give them, which means you've got -1 for this, but unfortunately I can only vote 0.

Peace Out, Afro Stud


It was boring, there wasn't much to it.

It was just really boring, occaisonally things would appear on screen and you'd have to click on them to kill them, there just wasn't much to it at all and it was just boring and repetitive as the action was consistently the same, there wasn't even a change in difficulty, which there really should have been as it would have given the game some sort of change instead of it just being the same thing the whole way through, it would also have been nice if they'd had been an ending of some sort instead of just going on and on until you lose all your lives. You also needed to add soem sort of challenge, perhaps they could have been attacking you and you could have had to kill them before they killed you or something. You also needed to make the enemies appearance less random, as there were times when I was just waiting for absolutely ages for the next enemy to appear, which was kind of annoying. Also you needed to add some music to it as it was mainly silent and it made it feel even worse than it was, it would also have been nice if you'd had had a background instead of it being just black.

Peace Out, Afro Stud


Age 37, Male

Lazy cunt


Bramley, Hampshire, UK

Joined on 2/6/02

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