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365 Game Reviews

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Click on sheep, they die where's the fun in that?

All this is is yet another simple click and kill game, each and every single one is boring as they present no challenge whatsoever this is no exception. The sound in this is extremely annoying, what the hell is that noise every time you hit a sheep?

A game u can either play or watch either way u win

There was no challenge to this game whatsoever at first I thought I was watching a movie so I just sat back doing nothing, then I realised it was a game so I started playing, you've made this possible to win if you don't do anything at all, if you fail to kill the enemies it continues on regardless, you should ahve made it so that you only continue on if you kill them all and you also should have added a health bar so you could die, this is by far the worst shooting game that I have ever played, I know it's old but that's still no excuse.

Lame idea=Lame game

The idea for this was terrible and the game was even worse, you had four different options and no matter which one you chose you got the kiss, it would have been better if something different would ahve happened depending on which one you chose, also the kissing sound sounded more like squeaking than a kiss, a truly terrible game.

You could have done it properly

It was a good idea to make this as a flash game but you didn't do a proper job on it, you could move the pieces wherever you wanted(allowing you to make illegal chess moves), you could also have more than one of your pieces on the same square, you also had to remove the pieces you took from the opponent off yourself, re-do this but this time do a proper job of it.

Worse than the 2nd one

This sucked, the second one was great compared to this, this was basically exactly the same but you had a choice of weapon(whoopdedoo), the pokemon were easier to hit, there was only one level and there were no bosses, just another simple click on things game which always suck, as do pokemon kill games, no wonder thsi was so horrendous.

Click on heads, crap and utterly pointless

One of the thousands of click on heads games added to Newgrounds, each one is pretty much the same and not of them is good, this is no difference and I hated the pricks that were in this, that doesn't improve it at all.

Not as good as Alison's API

Hmmm I guess that wasn't too bad, nothing really happened though, Mankey get's attacked and microwaved, the humor element was missing from this one, this wasn't really that interesting.

Stupid, rubbish but makes its point

I didn't like it at all but it was never intended to be good, I can see the point of it, but it's nothing special at all really.

Age 37, Male

Lazy cunt


Bramley, Hampshire, UK

Joined on 2/6/02

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