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365 Game Reviews

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Loses points for being homophobic

It was a great game but the jokes were all homophobic apart from the paedophile one so you lose points there and instead of me giving this an 4, I'm gonna have to give it a 2, which is a shame really, make it again but be less homophobic next time.

Well that sucked.

Yet another crappy click on things game that offers no fun whatsoever. Clicking on the zombies looked stupid as holes just appeared in them and this barely scrapes a 1 for violence, there's no fun to be had with this whatsoever, the zombies didn't even get beat because when you put so many holes in them they still moved, you just couldn't put any more in them, it was possible for you to die so at least there was some sort of challenge, but this game was so bad that that does nothing for it.

Even worse than the first, due to the questions

The questions in this were even more stupid in this than in the first one and most of them were about homosexuals, please man don't take the piss out of homosexuals it's not funny, the sounds were terrible and also annoying, you decided to add lifelines but there was no point to it, they weren't the actual 3 lifelines that are in the show and you had an infinite amount instead of 3 as using a lifline just allowed the question to be correctlky answered for you automatically, a real poor effort that has nothing to do with Who Wants To Be A Millionaire and is just some crap, stupid questions made up by you, a truly awful flash game.

A real poor effort

You could have done better with this, you should have had sound, harder questions and you should have had lifelines in it like there are in the actual show, this had nothing to do with Who Wants To Be A Millionaire it was just some crappy questions you made up.

Oh. Is that it?

Click on a boat a few times to blow it up then click on a person who jumps out of it to kill him, it takes about 3 seconds and there's no entertainment to be had with it, if you were going to make a pointless, challengless shooting game you could have at least made it so there was more than one boat so it wasn't over after about 3 seconds.

Well that sucked.

Click on Jar Jar Binx's heads as they pop out of holes, it sucked, they stayed there for too long(I'm not even sure if they went at all) and were too easy to hit and only one head was there at a time, so you couldn't miss at all, making this game pointless, I liked how instead of a hammer you used a lightsabre but that didn't do anything for this truly terrible game.

Oh is that it? Disapointing, a very crap game

Yet another click on people they die game that presents no challenge whatsoever, that really does sum it all up, it was awful truly awful, you could have at least drawn a hand holding the gun rather than just having it magically float.

As you can tell from the title it's pathetic

Move a toilet left or right and catch turds in it, where's the fun in that? It's one level and doesn't end until you miss 10 turds which is really annoying as I didn't enjoy playing this game at all but kept playing as I thought it would be unfair to review a game if I only play the first level, but keeping playing is uneccesary you've seen it all after 2 seconds, catch falling turds in a toilet real pathetic and childish, shit isn't funny, never was never will be.

Age 37, Male

Lazy cunt


Bramley, Hampshire, UK

Joined on 2/6/02

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